Cool Vapes UG | Vapes in Kampala, Uganda

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Do they sell vapes in Uganda?


In Uganda, it is legal to sell and use electronic cigarettes, including vapes. However, the regulations surrounding the sale and use of vapes in Uganda are still evolving.

According to the Uganda National Drug Authority (NDA), the sale of electronic cigarettes is regulated under the Tobacco Control Act 2015. This act requires that electronic cigarettes meet certain standards and be registered with the NDA before they can be sold in the country. In addition, the act prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors and requires that warning labels be displayed on all electronic cigarette packaging.

Despite these regulations, the sale and use of vapes in Uganda is still a relatively new phenomenon and there are not many dedicated vape shops in the country. However, it is possible to purchase vapes from reliable vapes retailers like coolvapesUG.

oolVapesUG is able to deliver all your vapes from Kampala to Jinja, and throughout Uganda. 

We have a range of disposable vapes  that you can also see on our Jiji shop for vapes

We also have a CoolVapes Instagram page where we constantly update our new flavours that you can choose from. 

You can send us a whatsapp on 0762216095 to make your order right away.

If you are considering using a vape in Uganda, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and to use them responsibly.

In conclusion, vapes are available for purchase in Uganda and are regulated by the Tobacco Control Act 2015. 


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